Security cabinet something that does not work |Always!

2022-07-01 08:04:39 By : Mr. Elvis Chen

Every day I assimilate more that “I have other data”.AMLO deceives us, evades questioning or is poorly informed.Characters such as his "corcholatas" Ebrard, Sheinbaum and Adán Augusto boast on social networks of their morning arrival at the security cabinet meeting.But what do they do?What do you do?Because after confirming the murder of two Jesuits in the afternoon, the president in his next morning indicates that "apparently" they killed the ministers of worship.In Acapulco, in a market, they murdered a 9-year-old boy.In Apaseo el Grande, they attacked and killed another child under 10 years of age.The "scooters" in San Cristóbal de las Casas are better armed than the local police.They riddle priests and a citizen supposedly by a gang led by "el Chueco" who does not appear.A shooting is recorded in Puebla inside a children's vaccination center and children are injured.And the president, after listening to his security cabinet, informs the nation that "it seems."Then comes the rhetoric “I have other data”.There are already several national and international calls for the government to correct its public and national security policy, which AMLO refuses to do.The discovery of a trailer with suffocated migrants in Texas is nothing more than the representation of the high corruption in his government that shelters criminals.Presumably those migrants left Mexico and had to pass two checkpoints without being detected.It is only achieved with the complicity between authorities and smugglers, but Ebrard is more concerned with talking about the sensitivity of Jesús Ernesto.I insist, what happened to the 20 containers with gold, silver and electrical appliances stolen in Manzanillo? What about Ovidio Guzmán?but the president entertains himself (distracts us) with Genaro García Luna, who shot at a child vaccination center in Puebla?All these are not isolated cases in recent weeks, they respond to an evident failed state that has to be shaken from the Vatican to half react.The argument that Felipe Calderón is responsible for the tragedy has already worn thin.AMLO presumed before assuming power that he had all the information on corruption in Mexico and that from the first day of his government he would end the crimes and violence.He has not even been able to verify the corruption that he accused at the Texcoco airport and that served as a platform to impose the AIFA.What then is discussed every day within the meetings with the security cabinet if they rest on assumptions of "apparently".They will not have information and files on the existence of documents that expose the serious problem that exists in Argentina with the Iranian-Venezuelan plane.This Jumbo jet landed on June 6 in Argentina from Querétaro (Mexico) where it is said that it paid millions of dollars to promote the migrant caravan that goes from Mexico to our northern border and keep 9,000 Iranian terrorists in our territory.The aircraft was not allowed to refuel in Paraguay and Uruguay because it was issued a bulletin by international security agencies.Now that its itinerary has been reconstructed, that plane has been, in just three weeks, five times in Caracas, four in Tehran (Iran's capital), two in Ciudad del Este (Paraguay), two in Belgrade (Serbia), one in Moscow and another two in Querétaro.This flight log places him in a high danger range, especially due to the Russian attacks on Ukraine and when flights to Moscow, for example, are frozen.That plane left Mexican national territory with an alleged shipment of auto parts that no one has claimed but 19 crew members of which 13 are known to be Arabs.The strange thing is that Nicolás Maduro's first reaction when he was informed of the arrest of the plane was to travel to Tehran, making a stopover in Turkey.AMLO should be aware of these movements, such as the fact that warships with long-range Russian missiles have arrived at Nicaraguan and Venezuelan ports.It is worth mentioning that Daniel Ortega has determined in the last few hours to order the dissolution of the Missionaries of Charity in Nicaragua, a strange move after the Pope's call for the wave of murders in Mexico as a result of the murder of two Jesuits.What is surprising is that in the AMLO government it seems that all these issues do not concern and even more so when the resounding silence of the head of customs Horacio Duarte and the undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration of the Ministry of the Interior, Alejandro Encinas, is allowed. .By the way, as I write these lines I am being informed that journalist Antonio de la Cruz, a reporter for the Expreso newspaper, was murdered in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.Host of the program VaEnSerio mexiquensetv channel 34.2 izzi 135 and mexiquense radio